Monday, November 5, 2007

What brain cells?

Austin and Sydney
have been learning
to play the piano for
the past 1 or 2 years.
They've been taking
lessons from a
friend and have been doing
such a great job.

Twice a year they have a piano
recital, where they and the other
students get to perform a few
songs for their families and friends,
to showcase what they've been
learning. Austin and Sydney
had a few songs they were working
on and were excited to
perform for us.

Yesterday was the big day. 5:00 pm.

Mom (that's me) forgot completely about this
event until about 5:20, when the piano
teacher called to see if we were coming.
We were all in our pajamas, enjoying a
football game, oblivious to the fact we
were missing the big recital.

Good one, Mom.

1 comment:

o charm said...

whoopsie! then you could just walk in late with your kids like "yeah, we're here to grace you with our performance, but listen to your bratty kids? pah-leeze. . . we don't have time for that."