Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A giving heart

Our little Jordan
was hard at work
this afternoon.
We didn't see her for awhile.
But as I was tucking her in for the night,
she let me know
there was a surprise on my bed.

(Mom and "Dady'o")

These were
on Doug's
side of the

And this
is what
I found

It makes me so thankful
to think that, undeserving as I am,
I have a little girl
who thinks I deserve
whatever gifts she can give.
Even flowers on my bed at night.
Kids are such a blessing.


JaneH said...

What a sweet, tender little girl. One of Gods angels.

Lonni said...

How sweet! Children are so loving, it just melts your heart!

OnGod'sErrand said...

It brought tears to my eyes. She loves you so much! Those are deeds to treasure always....and no one deserves it more than you.

BERRETT'S said...

This is great and you do deserve it! She is so sweet!

BERRETT'S said...

This is great and you do deserve it! She is so sweet!

Rachel said...

what a sweet little girl you have! That is awesome!